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在读者阅读之前,请务必要注意:虽然这本书是利用德州扑克来讲授概率论,但绝不是要宣扬大家利用学到的概率论去参与扑克比赛,而只是希望能充分利用学生对扑克天生的兴趣来激发他们对学习概率论这个重要课程的热情。 全书共有8章,分别介绍了概率基础、计数问题、条件概率和独立事件、期望值和方差、离散型随机变量、连续型随机变量、随机变量的集合以及使用计算机进行模拟和近似。书中包含丰富的实例,既有基本的概率论知识,也添加了一些研究生课
2.6K 1 1The Definitive Online Poker Strategy
There are many different styles of poker games you can play in live casinos and online, but of all the styles played today, none is more popular than Texas Hold’em. Texas Hold’em has received much of its popularity from certain hit TV shows such as the Traveler’s Channel World Poker Tour, and ESPN’s World Series of Poker. However, aside from these exciting shows, Hold’em has gained popularity because it is one of the easiest games to learn, the hands are fast, and the stakes are high. Thus, many novice players have come to realize that as long as one masters the skill of the game, there is a lot of money waiting to be won in the world of Texas Hold’em poker.
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